Monday, August 24, 2009

Trying To Get Good Shots (pictures)

This past Saturday evening a band that Bob is in joined up with another band at a friend's house. I usually take pictures but this time I was asked by the bass player to take pictures, with his camera. His camera is different and I wanted to do a good job. So, I played around with it first. (Got this little fan dancing with mine.)

Okay, now imagine setting a camera up to take shots for some one and finding that the legs on the tripod don't work well. That's sort of how I felt, swatting at mosquitoes didn't help either. I wanted to get close so I gave up on the walker. The cane was a pain in the butt too because I had to keep switching hands and finding a place for the cane to be. Down on the ground is where it usually ended up and was then difficult to retrieve.

After getting some shots while standing at all accessible angels I abandoned the cane and got down on the ground. No, I didn't care what any one was thinking. Just years ago I would get down on my belly and get some good rock-n-roll shots. This year I was on my knees with a much better camera having a ball. Instead of getting up and relocating I sort of crawled, okay I crawled to the next musician. That actually wasn't bad at all, but then I had to get up. 'The giraffe at the watering hole.' as Andy calls me, was able to stand without much trouble at all. *("And there was much rejoicing. yeah............")

I don't have any of those shots, but I did get one of this little boy who just loved to be up there with the band. First he was dancing up a storm out on the lawn and then he was standing between the lead guitarist and bass player having one heck of a time.
When I had returned to 'audience' an older man came up to me and kindly asked about my situation. His daughter has a nurological condition that resulted from a head injury. Her brain senses pain in her feet, pain that's not really there. He said that I made him think of her and commented on my height and build. (I was wondering if she walks like a drunk.) He smiled sweetly, padded me on the back wished me well. I smile just thinking of him.

After I joined some friends I sang, danced, clapped to the beat and hollered good and loud. That's what I was doing anyways. (I'm the loudest fan and find it very hard to just stand still. There's always hips, shoulders, and arms to move about. My spirit makes up for my legs.)

* From Monty Python and the Holy Grail.

8:50 p.m.

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