Monday, August 24, 2009

If at First You Don't Succeed...............

Okay, I had mentioned that I started using my walker to hold the watering cans. That wasn't working out so well, the hill was winning. Well, I won't be beat. So, I hooked up a hose that's not too long to a spiket with two outlets, and pulled it up to the front keeping it close to the house. I then curled it up behind a large Burning bush where it sits until needed. Now when I water I pull down the long hose and my fancy watering wand, put them all together and water away.

First I water the part by the front door, then the flowers in front and then I head down to bottom of the hill to get our new patch of Pachysandras. At that point I turn the water off, empty the hose, detach and start winding it up. The hill is great for getting all the water out of the hose. I then curl up the little hose too and it's all done and put away.

Now, that sounds more practical and it is, but man is that hose heavy when it's full of water. It's a good thing I'm going to the gym. I'm definitely using the arms to drag and lift. In the mean time I'm out there with out the cane or walker, pausing frequently to reclaim my balance. When a neighbor drives by and honks or waves I do my best to remain up right and wave back. It's good that gardens are in the lawn, it makes for a softer landing. However, so far so good.

9:30 p.m.

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